About Us

Ananthapuramu is a rural district located in Andra Pradesh State, India. It is known that football is the most popular sport, but even though, sometimes it does not reach in every single part of the globe. In Ananthapuramu District, after years of hard work at grass-root level and after years of dedication to overcome the lack of resources, football has finally arrived. With the support of RDT and several dedicated football coaches from spain, we start for the first time in Ananthapuramu District a Football League. We are the ones involved, we are all the coaches that for first time ever will help to make this happen


Our users

Our users are football coaches of teams participating in the league. Our users is people who loves football and is interested in knowing how football develops at early stages. Our users are supporters for this league and their teams. Our users are all the curious for football events. Our users are those that want to help us and want to learn with us.

History of project

History is easy to understand. We do not have any background in football leagues. We are creating history with every step we take. 

For those that need a bit more to be convinced, what we can explain is the process that we have already undergone to be just at the edge. Ananthapuramu District is divided into minor regions called Mandals. Each mandal had his own experience with football, but, again, everything remained at local level. We decided to change this. We met people and we made people to meet. At this point, we followed clear steps to build slowly but safety what is now a live project.

In order to set up the league, we had to think about how to organize teams. In India distance is one key point and lack of resources his pair. We decided to divide all mandal football clubs into north and south region and create two groups for this first edition. Nevertheless, this has not been the major problem. The real problem was to find a common league age group for players. And for those teams who exceeded in number of players, we had to create new teams.

Finally we though in calendar and how to reach a 22 Match Competition within 4 months, from late november to early March. Solution came up with the strong commitment of coaches and with their interest to deal with anything that steps into the way. Matches will be played Sundays, being the kick-off on 23rd November, but also we will play in the middle of the week.

Impossible is nothing. Help is many things. Join our league, live it with us and if you need more, try to help us.


Miquel Lladó Plana

RDT Football Coordinator

Ananthapuramu Football Academy Head Coach

UEFA-B license Holder